How Your Bulimia Can Ruin Your Life

Sadly, millions of women struggle everyday with bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is a type of eating disorder that affects both men and women by causing them to consume significant amounts of food all at one time and later expelled the food that they took in by simply throwing it up, taking laxatives and also fasting throughout the day. These individuals have also been known to spend a significant amount of time exercising and working out in the gym more than ever. Research also shows that bulimia actually affects more women than men and is a very serious health problem that millions of women are struggling with. According to Women’s Health, research also shows that Eating Disorders are actually more common with older women then younger women and approximately 13{b840c448f2ba0d1da81191bf384efbec59d8dc3645ab82560e21066a4c6e0003} of women in America who were 50 years old and older showed some signs of eating disorders. Bulimia is an …