General Articles

What is Vertigo?

If you, a friend, or a family member suffers from vertigo, you know it is presents serious challenges to maintaining ordinary life. At best, it’s a near-constant concern, and at worst, it makes common tasks downright impossible. To treat this condition, you need to understand exactly what it is, and what to expect if you see a chiropractor for vertigo.

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Medical Definition

From a medical standpoint, vertigo is a balance disorder, usually caused by an issue in the inner ear, part of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is responsible for a person’s spatial orientation, and therefore balance, focus, posture and even movement are at risk when an issue occurs. This could be the result of a bacterial infection or issue with the circulatory system. Head injuries can also cause someone to need the help of a chiropractor for vertigo.


Vertigo is most commonly associated with extreme …

General Articles

Types of Sports Injuries Chiropractors can Treat

As an athlete, you rely on a healthy body to compete in your sport. If you want to be at the top of your game, you need to manage pain and get the right treatment for injuries. If you’re dealing with back or neck pain, a chiropractor can help relieve the symptoms and get you back in action. 

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Muscle Injuries

Regardless of your sport of choice, you use various muscles to move and perform. High-impact sports such as football, basketball, soccer and cycling can put heavy stress on your muscles. Muscle strains or pulls are common as you run, jump, twist and turn. A sports injury chiropractor Hillsboro Or has the knowledge and training to help your body heal itself. The chiropractor can use massaging techniques by gently rubbing the underlying muscles. These actions will strengthen them and help reduce pain. 

Disc Injuries

Back problems can be common among athletes, …

General Articles

Fight Fat and Cellulite Fast

Losing weight is a challenge for many people. Age, gender, and more can all affect how hard it is for someone to lose weight. Luckily, there are things anyone can try to help them to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Fight cellulite fast. Wrap with the apple cider vinegar


Dieting is one of the best things one can do to lose weight. While this isn’t a quick fix, it is a sure fix. There are a number of fat-fighting foods out there that people can add to their diet. These foods, when incorporated into a healthy diet, can help to encourage weight loss. Some popular fat-burning foods are listed here.

  • Chickpeas
  • Tuna
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Blueberries
  • Black beans
  • Whole grains


Next to dieting, exercising is the next best thing someone can do to lower their weight. People should exercise, on average, about 30 minutes a day, five days a week. No matter the exercise, from walking …