What is Vertigo?
If you, a friend, or a family member suffers from vertigo, you know it is presents serious challenges to maintaining ordinary life. At best, it’s a near-constant concern, and at worst, it makes common tasks downright impossible. To treat this condition, you need to understand exactly what it is, and what to expect if you see a chiropractor for vertigo.
Medical Definition
From a medical standpoint, vertigo is a balance disorder, usually caused by an issue in the inner ear, part of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is responsible for a person’s spatial orientation, and therefore balance, focus, posture and even movement are at risk when an issue occurs. This could be the result of a bacterial infection or issue with the circulatory system. Head injuries can also cause someone to need the help of a chiropractor for vertigo.
Vertigo is most commonly associated with extreme …