What does a dehumidifier do in a crawl space?
If you live in a relatively humid environment, then it’s recommended that you install a dehumidifier in your crawl space as soon as possible. A good crawl space dehumidifier will make the area under your home less hospitable to allergens such as dust mites, mold, and mildew by reducing humidity levels. Lowering the humidity levels and eliminating allergens will reduce skin and respiratory system discomfort, making it easier for you to breathe; help maintain structural integrity; and save energy.
Before you run out and buy a dehumidifier, first understand that your crawl space needs to be prepared so that it can operate as efficiently as possible. We spoke to Elite Moisture Solutions who are local experts on dehumidifiers and crawl space issues, and here’s what they said:
Why does a crawl space need to be completely sealed?
Since up to 50 percent of your household air can flow in from your crawl …