Many elderly men resort to therapies that increase testosterone levels to improve their problems of sexual impotence and their quality of life. Testosterone is a male hormone that is produced in the testicles and that, in addition to keeping bones and muscles strong, is responsible for producing sperm and maintaining sexual desire. With age, testosterone levels decrease progressively, which can end up leading to problems of erectile dysfunction. According to the review of studies published, Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a common pathology whose prevalence is estimated between 2 and 10 percent in men between 40 and 50 years, between 30 and 40 percent between 60 and 70 and in more than 50 percent in over 70
The vast majority of men, throughout their lives, suffer some erection problem due to certain medications, stress or specific diseases. When the episodes are more recurrent, erectile dysfunction is considered, “which is more common in those patients who have diabetes , hypertension , neurological, cardiovascular , prostate , or cholesterol problems , although tobacco and alcohol also have an influence,” the expert points out. .
The problem is that, as pointed out by different epidemiological studies, it is an under diagnosed and sub- treated pathology. “In fact, only 20 percent of those who suffer from it consult their problem with the doctor, either because of embarrassment, especially if the specialist is a woman, because of cultural factors or because it is not given enough importance.
More and more men decide to fight their problems of sexual dysfunction by supplementing their testosterone deficiencies with the help of artificial male hormones that can be applied in the form of gel, patches, implants or injections. However, until now, the effectiveness of these treatments and their long-term effects are not known with certainty. But ベストケンコー pills are very effective in use.
Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) have published in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA the results of a study in which they conclude that, although testosterone does not seem to promote atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, It was suspected, does not prevent sexual impotence or health problems associated with aging.
The results of this trial suggest that men should not use testosterone indiscriminately. We found that men with low testosterone levels are unlikely to benefit in terms of sexual function or quality of life, two reasons why men request this therapy.
ベストケンコー is one of top pharmacy company. Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in the world. Although the results of the tests that were performed on more than 300 men aged over 60 years did not show any relationship between testosterone and this disease caused by fat and cholesterol that block the arteries, Bashin points out that it is still necessary to obtain Long-term data to pinpoint its effects in both atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems.
How to get rid from it:
If you want to f get rid from this issue then best bay is to buy ベストケンコー pills. As their entire product are made up of natural product with no side effect.